Predator - Mediated Competition
What happens when there is a second, alternative prey in a system ?
By Charles E. Kay, Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology
480 East 125 North, Providence, UT 84332, 435-753-0715
Reprinted with permission from Muley Crazy
Article originally published at Mule Deer Foundation Magazine, pages 21 - 25, July - August 2010
In systems with a single predator and single prey, the predator cannot generally take the prey to extinction due to declining return rates - - that is the predators usually starve to death before they can find the last few prey. So while mountain lions, for example, can have a negative impact on mule deer, the cats can only take the deer population so low before the lions begin to run out of food and increasingly turn to killing each other. But what happens when there is a second, alternative prey in a system? Counter intuitively, the additional prey species does not buffer, or reduce, the predation pressure on the first prey animal. Instead, fueled by alternative prey, the predator takes the more vulnerable species to even lower levels. This is called predator-mediated or apparent competition, and where this occurs, habitat and habitat improvements are largely irrelevant, contrary to what most biologists would have you believe.
A classic example of predator-mediated competition is now playing itself out
in Yellowstone National Park. For over 60 years, 600 to 700 food-limited elk
wintered in the thermal areas along the Firehole, Gibbon, and Madison Rivers
in the west-central portion of the park. With the arrival of introduced
wolves, however, the elk population began a precipitous decline with
researchers predicting extinction - -see The Ecology of Large Mammals in
Central Yellowstone. The wolves have been able to do this because they have
bison as an alternative prey. In fact, if the elk did not have a partial refugia by fleeing into the depths of the Madison River when confronted by
wolves, the elk would already be extinct. The habitat is still there, after
all this is a national park, but the elk are all but gone.
Similarly, moose-fueled wolves are in the process of eliminating mountain
and woodland caribou across the length and breadth of Canada. While in
Alaska, wolves fueled by salmon, yes salmon, have taken black-tailed deer,
moose, and caribou to very low levels - -much lower then if the wolves did
not have salmon as an alternative prey. In Nevada, mountain lions that prey
on wild horses have a much greater impact on mule deer than cougar
populations without feral equines as alternative prey. It has also been
reported that mountain lions have taken bighorn sheep to near extinction on
several western ranges where the cats subsist on alternative prey.
In many parts of the West, white-tailed deer and mule deer are sympatric;
that is the two species occupy the same areas. Researchers in Alberta have
identified predator-mediated competition as a key reason mule deer are
declining. Due to behavioral differences, mule deer are more vulnerable to
coyote predation than are whitetails. But by preying on both mule deer and
whitetails, the coyotes are able to exert much greater predation pressure on
mule deer, then if mule deer were the canids only prey. Again the addition
of a second prey species, whitetail deer, allowed the predator, coyotes in
this case, to have a much greater impact on the more vulnerable prey, mule
While in British Columbia, predator-mediated competition between whitetails,
mule deer, and mountain lions has been documented. Again, mule deer are the
more vulnerable prey, but by subsisting mainly on whitetails, the cats are
able to take mule deer populations to very low levels - -much lower than if
whitetails were not present. Whitetail-fueled cougars have also been
identified as the factor driving British Columbia’s southern, mountain
caribou to extinction. Similarly, in Canada’s Banff National Park,
elk-fueled wolves have been instrumental in the elimination of both mountain
caribou and moose.
Which brings us to the question of predator-mediated competition between
ever-increasing numbers to elk in the West and declining mule deer
populations. By subsisting on elk, could mountain lions be taking mule deer
numbers even lower? Given the fact that mule deer are easier for cougars to
kill than elk, predator-mediated competition is certainly possible. Although
no one has specifically studied this problem, work that I have been doing
for San Juan County in southeastern Utah does shed some light on this issue.
Elk Ridge lies to the west of the Abajo Mountains in an exceedingly remote
part of one of the largest, and least populated, counties in the entire
United States. Except for a few scattered parcels of private ground, the
entire area is administered by the federal government, either the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) or the Forest Service. The ranch on the north is owned
by The Nature Conservancy, while the allotments on the south are owned by
the Southern Ute Tribe and have not been grazed by livestock in many years.
There have been no new roads, no subdivisions, no oil or gas development,
and just about no new anything on Elk Ridge over the last 50 years. In
short, there is nothing on Elk Ridge that game departments habituately blame
for the decline of mule deer. And finally, and most importantly, Elk Ridge
is really not elk ridge, but E.L.K. Ridge named after an early Texas outfit
that ran cattle in the area during the late 1800’s. Elk did not arrive until
they were put there by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) -
-illegally according to locals.
As part of my work for San Juan County, I summarized all the available mule deer harvest data for Elk Ridge - -please see the accompanying graph. Between 1950 and 1970, hunters killed an average of just over 2,500 deer a year - -1,500 bucks and 1,000 does. But hunter harvest declined precipitously during the 1970’s after mountain lions were protected and effective predator control eliminated with the ban on 1080. This was also about the time that elk first appeared in the area.
In response to declining mule deer numbers, DWR closed the season on Elk
Ridge from 1980 to 1983. Elk Ridge reopened in 1984 as a limited-entry,
bucks-only unit, yet the deer herd has never recovered, instead it has
tracked ever downward. This past season only 40 permits were issued for Elk
Ridge, an area where 2,500 deer a year had been harvested for over 20 years.
As mule deer numbers fell, the elk population doubled and then doubled
again. When I first moved to Utah back in 1986, I drew a limited-entry deer
permit on Elk Ridge and during that hunt I never saw an elk. I drew a
limited-entry permit for the same area last fall, and this time I saw more
elk than deer. In 1986, I shot a nice 4-point `buck, while in 2009 I never
saw a deer worth shooting.
In addition, I have measured mule deer use on winter ranges throughout San
Juan County and the deer simply are not there. On permanent plots in the Elk
Ridge unit where DWR recorded substantial deer use in the recent past, deer
use last spring was exceedingly low. Moreover, it is not as if the mule deer
moved someplace else, because I measured all possible wintering areas
identified by DWR and BLM. In my opinion, only one factor can account for
the observed data - -elk-fueled mountain lions are keeping the more
vulnerable mule deer from recovering. Today a single lion on Elk Ridge will
kill more deer in a year than all archery, muzzleloader, and rifle hunters
combined. Coyotes and black bears are also abundant on Elk Ridge.
Will the mule deer on Elk Ridge ever recover? In Banff National Park where
wolves and other predators have significantly reduced the elk population, 80
square miles of prescribed burns did not translate into increasing elk
numbers. Despite an abundance of high-quality forage following the fires,
burning actually reduced the elk population even further by making it easier
for wolves to find the remaining elk. To reiterate, contrary to what most
agency biologists will try and tell you, habitat and habitat improvements
are largely irrelevant if the underlying problem is excessive predation or
predator-mediated competition. And as we have seen, predator-mediated
competition is more the norm than the exception. There is one solution and
one solution only, and it certainly is not increasing the elk population by
one-third as recently proposed by certain groups in Utah. In Nevada, a few
mule deer hunters have been trying to get mountain lions reclassified as a
predator, but to date their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. In Texas,
mountain lions have always been classified as a predator and everyone is
free to do their own predator control.
Yearly harvest of mule deer on Elk Ridge. Harvest declined during the 1970’s
after mountains were protected and effective predator control eliminated
with the ban on 1080. In response to falling mule deer numbers, the season
on Elk Ridge was closed from 1980 to 1983. The area reopened in 1984 as a
limited-entry bucks-only unit, yet the deer herd has never recovered.
Harvest data from DWR Annual Big Game Reports.
Photos Copyright © REXANO 2010